18th July 2002 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Thursday 18th July, 2002 at 2.30pm

Board Room, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8

Mr Michael McLoone (Chairman)
Ms Valerie Mannix
Dr Mary Horgan
Dr Ann O'Connor
Dr Liz Keane

Mr Pat Farrell
Dr Karen Murphy
Mr Tony McNamara
Ms Maura McGrath
Dr Gerry Crotty
Dr Helen Enright
Dr William Murphy (NMD)
Mr Michael Healy (SEO)

In Attendance:
Mr Andrew Kelly (Acting CEO)
Ms. Patricia McNally (Secretary)
Mr. Roddy Bourke

The Board met to discuss deferred items from the Board Meeting agenda of Wednesday 10th July 2002.

7. Expert Review of Testing
The Chairman confirmed that he and Deputy Batt O'Keeffe had met with the International Panel and agreed a timetable for the presentation of the report on the Review of Testing. It had been agreed that the report would be presented to the Chairs and Chief Executive of the SHB and the IBTS on Tuesday 10th September. The SHB and the IBTS would hold a joint press conference on Wednesday 11th September after the IBTS Board meeting in Dublin.

8. Finance Committee
The Board approved the financial statements for 2000 and agreed that the Chairman and Ms. Valerie Mannix may sign off on these subject to no material alterations being made.

9. Minutes of MAC - 8th May 2002
These were noted. Dr. Horgan, Chairman, noted

* that the MAC had extensively discussed vCJD.
* the contribution made to the MAC by Dr. Cees van der Poel.
* Dr. Horgan reported concerns by the Consultants of the infrequency of National Consultants meeting i.e. one in January 2002 and one in May 2002.
* The Role, Functioning and Composition of the Medical Advisory Committee had been discussed by the MAC and would be discussed further at the September MAC meeting.

10. IBTS Ethics Committee & BMR Clinical Advisory Committee
Dr. Emer Lawlor gave a presentation to the Board on the establishment of an IBTS Ethics Committee & BMR Clinical Advisory Committee. Dr. Lawlor outlined the background to the establishment of such committees.

Dr. Lawlor noted some recent examples where IBTS Ethics Committee has a role including the request to establish a cell line from a patient with a unique HLA type; the release stored DNA material to international HLA workshops; GSF stimulated stem cell or granulocyte donations; and the establishment Donor Repository for vCJD testing when available.

Dr. Lawlor outlined the role of the Clinical Advisory Committee for Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry. She noted that this committee would provide expert advice in a very specialised field of medicine; would act as a review panel for special cases; and enable World Marrow Donor Association Registry Certification.

It was noted that in 1999 Marsh had confirmed that the Ethics Committee would be covered by the IBTS insurance. Dr. Lawlor agreed to check if this was still the case given the current DOH&C clinical indemnity scheme. It was suggested Dr. Lawlor should discuss with the DOH&C the issue of Product Liability as it relates to the insurance cover for these committees. Dr. Horgan proposed the establishment of these two committees and this was seconded by Dr. Keane. The Board agreed to this recommendation subject to clarification of issues raised. A discussion took place regarding the composition of both committees. It was suggested and agreed that an Ethicist would be invited onto the Ethics Committee.

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Signed Date